Before Ordering

There is no registration involved if you wish to buy products. You can place an order by adding items to your shopping cart and going through checkout for any seller.
If the seller has received feedback from previous buyers, it will be posted on any of the seller's item pages.
eCRATER does not collect or process funds for buyer or seller. Buyer protection services would be offered by your respective payment processor if available.
eCRATER wants users to have a safe, enjoyable experience shopping on our website. Use common sense precautions to avoid becoming a victim. Research and do price comparisons for what you plan to buy. Check the seller's store and any feedback. If you have doubts contact the seller and ask questions before you buy. We also do not advise completing transactions off-site from eCRATER. Off-site transactions are ones not paid via supported payment methods and/or not completed through the eCRATER checkout system.
You can contact the merchant through our internal messaging system by clicking on the link "Contact Seller" located on any of the seller's item pages. You can also check the seller's store pages to see if they have included additional contact information in their store.
Each seller determines the payment methods they accept that are supported on the eCRATER platform. The payment options supported include: Credit Cards, PayPal, Money Order, Cashier's Check, Personal Check, COD (Collect on Delivery is a service offered through United States Postal Services only available to US sellers)
You can pay with your card through PayPal. You don't have to register with PayPal if you prefer to not to but they will still process your payment.
When paying through a checkout page on PayPal, there is sometimes the option to pay by credit card without logging in to PayPal. This is known as "guest" checkout mode.

If you are a merchant and would like to enable "PayPal Guest Checkout" please make sure that PayPal Account Optional is turned on. This option is in Profile & Settings > My selling tools.

In some cases, the buyers will be able to pay with a debit/credit card directly while on other cases they will only be able to open an account using a debit/credit card.

PayPal Guest Checkout mode might not be available if you are outside of United States. For example in the Netherlands, you can only use guest checkout a few times supposedly and then you have to get an account. In Germany, you aren't ever allowed to use Guest Checkout. Apparently this has to do with credit card fraud or some other banking regulations.

After Ordering

You must contact the seller directly for your order status or any other questions about your order. When the merchant adds a tracking number to your order, you will be notified by email.
If you did not complete payment for the order you can contact the seller to inform them you wish to cancel your order. If payment is not completed you can ignore the order notification email. If you completed payment for the order you must contact the seller directly for your cancellation request.
In most cases we can issue a refund if the merchant is not responding to our requests for order status. However there are some specific cases where the credit card processor blocks the funds (or there are insufficient funds in the account) and we are not able to issue a refund. Furthermore, we are not able to issue refunds for orders paid with offline payment methods, gift cards or cards that do not allow refunds to be posted.
You can file a complaint with eCRATER and we will contact the seller in an attempt to initiate a response. If he fails to respond and the complaint is for non-received order, we will attempt to refund the transaction. If we are unanable to reverse the transaction please file a dispute through PayPal Resolution Center or your card issuer.
Please contact the merchant directly and work with him until you reach acceptable resolution. If the merchant is unresponsive, please file a dispute through PayPal Resolution Center or through your card issuer.
You can file a complaint with eCRATER if 14 days have passed since the order was placed.
You must contact the seller directly for information on their return policy, process and procedure.